For those of us who play, there is nothing better than the game of golf. We watch it on TV, read about it in books and magazines, and hope to learn that new tip that can take our game to the next level.
Statistics show there are over 60 million golfers in the world today. Of those:
- ∙ less than half ever break 100,
- ∙ only 33% break 90, and
- ∙ less than 5% will ever break 80.It is amazing how many similarities there are between the game of golf and our money. Let’s take a look at a few.
Whether you have been playing for a short time or all your life you understand the frustration of the fact that just when you get one part of your game working something else falls apart. You finally start hitting the driver and you can’t hit an iron in the ocean from the pier. It never fails, you start draining every putt and now you can’t get off the tee.
Financially speaking, just when you get a little money put away something comes along that eats it up. You finally start investing for your future and the market drops 30%. Sound familiar?